Over the past 30 years I have strived to be the best version of myself and to mentor and motivate those around me… it really is the essence of who I am! Even faced with my own life changing MND diagnosis in 2017, I was determined to use my journey to continue to inspire others.
I wanted my story to be a source of positivity, a reminder of how extraordinary we all are, and that no matter what the circumstances, we all have the capacity to manifest awesomeness in our life. That is why I designed my wristband with the purpose for each of us to live by – to Be Awesome Everyday!
Three years on, my wristbands have travelled the world, far and wide. They’ve experienced the giddy heights of the Empire State Building & the Eiffel Tower, the ancient pyramids of Egypt and the hot springs of Rotorua in New Zealand, just to name a few. People have been brought together to experience the many running and walking tracks whilst wearing their wristbands, whether they be in nature or at an organised event.
I’ve had messages from many of you with your own wonderful stories whereby having the wristbands visible, have inspired you to some incredible outcomes including reaching beyond your comfort zone, striving for and getting new work roles, pushing through physical barriers and even elevating mentally from negative thoughts to up lifted spirits. This really warms my heart!
Their journey, shared through simple photos by so many of you, brings me so much joy! Your travels have become part of my story which I share with the world on the Health Mission page here. They are a reminder to appreciate even the most simplest moments, a morning walk, coffee with friends, time with loved ones. I am so grateful to family and friends for their continued support and showing me how they too can inspire others to embody my mantra to Be Awesome Everyday.
I wonder where your wristband is today?