Over the past few weeks I have been working hard to stand independently. I’ve slowly built up my strength through regular practice in the standing wheelchair which has enabled me to develop better posture, breathing, chest expansion, leg strength and I am now able to stand with my feet flat on the floor. I have been increasing by 1 minute each day and incredibly I am now up to 35 minutes!
All the practice has paid off as I am finally able to stand independently, with Steve and my carers nearby. Of course I have to keep telling them to let go of me, gee they are stubborn! But I beat them this time and stood independently against the bench for just under 1 minute. I could have gone for longer but my stupid emotions got in the way and I started to cry with happiness! Just in case you’re thinking that must have been a fluke, I did it again (with videos to prove it)!
So now I am up to 3 minutes standing by myself and the plan is to start side stepping independently along the bench in my kitchen. If anyone knows my kitchen, it is a long way around… maybe 10 meters or so. Stay tuned for this one.
Remember, never say never!
Omg I can’t believe it, you are frigging amazing, your determination is incredible, keep up this wonderful work leanne and there is nothing that can stop you, so so happy ,thank you for the updates I love them
Bloody unreal ??