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The festive season means different things for different people. For me, it’s a magical time of the year where you’ll find me spending my cherished time with family and friends, although we’ll be staying put in Brisbane this year.

I also love that Christmas and the New Year prompt me to take stock of what is truly important. I try to go out of my way to make someone else’s day. It’s amazing how a simple smile can do so much, not just for ourselves, but those around us. It really is one way that we can literally change the world!

When I go to the market or shopping I smile at everyone. People stare at me and are no doubt thinking that I’m totally disabled. But I don’t let that stop me, I smile even harder! And more often than not, they smile back and it’s great 🙂

There are heaps of ways simple gestures can make someone’s day. Maybe line up in the newsagent and buy a $1 scratchie for yourself and one for the person behind you. What else could you do? Make someone’s day, leave them a written message under their dinner plate, make a phone call, send an unexpected card, options are endless!

I wish everyone an awesome Christmas and New Year!

I’d love to hear your suggestions on what you did to make someone’s day! Post your suggestions in the comments.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Mitch says:

    I hope you and Steve have a great Christmas and hopefully I’ll see you before the new year. Been flat out at work ATM. Lots of day flights. ???

  • Monica says:

    Merry Christmas to you, Steve & Maree xx
    I have a friend who pays for the groceries of the person in front of her at the supermarket. A random act of kindness for a total stranger that always makes their day. I’m going to do the same for someone today ?

  • Rozanne Blok says:

    Dearest Leanne,
    Wishing you and all your loved ones much peace and happiness for the festive season and 2022. Your comments on hope, optimism and what’s really important in a world that continues to take one unexpected turn after another are truly inspirational. A smile, a simple ‘hello’ or the offer of some flowers from your garden to a passing elderly person out walking alone are such simple actions, but their impact can be so significant for those who are feeling so very isolated and alone at this time.
    Thinking of you. So many fond memories from our teenage years.
    Warmest regards, Rozanne

  • Terry Crowl says:

    I share my music ? with everyone I can. Merry Christmas and Glorious New Year Leanne, Steve and Maree!!

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